Year: 2024
Client: Educational (Premaster thesis)
Tags: 3D, Print
FASCiATIO is a visual exploration of self-destruction in human behavior. While acknowledging the potentially lethal outcomes it may bring, I also recognize its potential as a catalyst for change, initiating a transformative journey within oneself. Viewing self-destruction as a seed of rebirth offers a powerful perspective, facilitating acceptance and growth alongside it, while illuminating the inherent paradox of creation versus destruction that lies at its core.
            The name FASCiATIO draws inspiration from a genetic anomaly observed in flowering plants known as fasciation, wherein uninhibited cell division results in the formation of distorted flowers; unbounded growth and distortion beyond control. The affected blooms, with their eerie beauty, serve as a visual metaphor for the paradoxical potency within self-destructive processes.
          Central to this project is the development of custom growth algorithms that emulate these unpredictable patterns of distortion. These algorithms—mimicking digital mutated DNA—are let loose on digital organisms in a 3D space, simulating the unchecked proliferation seen in fasciated plants. 
          By treating these algorithms as digital DNA and encoding them into objects beyond their natural context, I endeavor to recreate the essence of the altered self while transcending natural boundaries. This technical manipulation not only mirrors the self-destructive tendencies inherent in human behavior but also serves as a tool for exploring the powerful potential for rebirth within it. Through this process, I embody the role of a divine creator, harnessing the power of digital manipulation to explore the profound interplay between self-destruction and rebirth.